Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to be Successful ?

"Belief in oneself is one of the foundational bricks in building any successful venture"
Lydia M.Child
We feel Successful when we get what we want.It is all about reaching a higher level of achievement in any field or area of life.It is a journey and moreover an adventure filled with lots of surprises and life changing experiences.

 Success is progress not a destination and if you are doing these next 3 things then i believe that you will always be successful and no matter what happens you will be satisfied and thankful for what you have and what you don't:

1)Challenge The Facts!

''Our Greatest Battles are that with our own minds''
Jameson Frank

Are you trying to hit a big goal or just hanging on by a thread trying to make a living not a life for yourself and whom you love?Challenging the facts is about bettering yourself little bit every day bearing in mind the Big Picture. 

2)Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
Brian Tracy

Comfort Zone is the dead zone and danger zone is the life zone.To succeed we need to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

3)How Much Do You Know?!

We don't go to school once for a lifetime. We are in school all of our lives.

Can you remember an experience that you went through and things didn't go the way you wanted,how do you feel?Now,think for a moment about the lessons you learned from that experience and how do you feel Now?

Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade. Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment more gradually still.
Robert Sternberg

Commitment is taking a decision and sticking to it no matter what.We need commitment to help us get up each time we fall .We need it to keep going in the hardest moments in our lives and without it we perish.

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