Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How much are you willing to pay?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

Marianne Williamson

Risk is the stairway of success ,but have you even considered what risk is all about?

Risk is not about taking chances and not succeeding,in fact it would be foolish to think we could do everything correctly from the 1st attempt and besides I've never heard of any great achiever who succeeded over night.
So,what to be afraid of if you know that risk is not bad.
It is because you got something to lose and if you got something to lose you will hold back and  not be willing to give it a shot.
So what is holding you back?is it lack of preparation?Not clear about why your doing whatever your doing right now?Not thinking you can do it?

Whatever your answer ,keep in mind that it is YOUR answer and it is about you & got nothing to do with what your attempting to do.

you see if you truly believe that you can succeed you will find many reasons to help you get on with it and if you don't no matter how hard you try you will still miss the point.

Belief is the secret behind any achievement & fear is an illusion that your mind tricks you into believing that exists.

How about this if we make the decision to take chances right now to do whatever you're afraid to do then it would be a major step towards achieving your wildest dreams.

If you just observed well enough how any successful person and you name him:Steve jobs,Bill gates,Robert Kiyosaki ,Donald Trump,Thomas Edison,Henry ford who didn't take chances even though they were afraid at the beginning.

The fact is that if your belief in your ability to have what you want is greater than that of your fear of not having it or failing then you won't bother with failure and it will be simply a stepping stone to getting what you want.

It is not the lack of success that we must worry about but lack of failure and I've never heard of a man/woman who ever succeeded without failing.Besides those who don't make mistakes never learn any thing,true or not?

So it is up to you to define what it means to fail and to me the biggest failure in life is not about not getting what we want but rather Not knowing what we want and our true worth is.

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