Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Does a Leader Look Like?!!!

Leaders are usually known as action takers and this is true and leadership doesn't stop there since successful leaders also display other essential qualities such as:

1)Hunger for achievement.
Leaders are Highly ambitious and highly self motivated which means once they want something they go and get it.

Simply put,they don't care about the facts they do what they do because they believe they can make it work and inspire others through their enthusiasm and belief.

3) Worriers.
They don't give up easily and see problems as challenges and opportunities and they enjoy overcoming challenges because they see them as building blocks of their success.

4) Motivators
Leaders tend to be Charismatic because simply they motivate others to ''go and get it'' and they have the kind of attitude which is''screw it just do it'' and that's one of the reasons People follow them because of WHO THEY ARE not merely what they do.

5)Highly Committed .
Leaders are disciplined and push themselves to act despite any feeling of discomfort,boredom,or worry they have regarding the task.

6)Hunger for learning.
The best leaders are learners.They're always in the learning mood so they keep improving and empowering others as well.

7)Good with people.
Ultimately leadership is all about people and ''WHOM"  leaders are leading and good leaders care about their people and help them grow and solve their problems.

8)Servants Not self Serving.
Leaders are always servants of others.They are friends,teachers,parents,business partners and whatever role they play they always display that genuine interest and deep care for others because that's who they are, they just love people and want to help them with all they can.

These are some of the most recognizable qualities i observed in good leaders and maybe you can share with me more qualities in your comment on so what other qualities you believe which make a good leader that others follow?

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