Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thumbs UP for FALIURE!!!

Many times we hold back and play it safe because we're afraid to fail but you know what?Who cares and as long as we get better with each failure we go through then that's what truly matter in the larger scheme of things.

Embracing failure is the only way to get through the challenges we face and only when we accept failure as a learning experience that we shall use it to our advantage.

Failure is not an end,it is a detour which means it only changes direction and who knows what might result from that failure for it a new door opens while the other is closed and through that door you shall find surprises waiting for you.

Change is absolute and everything around us is changing whether we like it or not so it is up to us to decide if we are to change to the better or the worse and it all begins with the DECISION and Conscious choice that we make in order to set this change Forwards  towards our dreams rather than Backwards a way from them.

1.Dream Bigger!
This is the beginning of change when you decide you won't tolerate any more simply because you decided to go to a higher level and you're gonna live to a higher standard.

2.Stay Committed.
Commitment is about Consistency and it means that you must make a decision and stick to it no matter what and All successful people would have never been so if it wasn't for their concrete determination to make their dreams A REALITY!.So Are You Committed?You will never know until You Decide!!!

3.Stay Focused
 A long the way to your dream you're bound to  face a lot of obstacles and setbacks which will distract you from your main goals(THE DREAM!!!) unless you have a sense of direction and have a crystal clear target to hit on your way to that dream you might end up going the wrong way.

4.It is Possible!
Belief is the bridge which connects us to our dreams and if we don't believe we can do it! then nothing else matters and if we do nothing else matters!.

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