Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Think Happiness..

Hi there,
How is life?
Good..Not bad!
what ever your answer is it will always be true.
Let me ask you this:What keeps you from being happy?
Whom do you blame for not being happy?
I heard once that enlightened people are happier and wealthier than others.
One of the major causes of unhappiness is negativity.
We tend to blame,judge,and focus on what is not right instead of what is going well .
How we choose to think and look at things and life probably turns out to be true.
Attitude is the key to happiness and treasures of life.
but it can be also a destructive weapon if misused.
What happens now?
Where do I go from here?

1.Stop the flow of negative thoughts into your mind.
2.Keep away from negativity sources (news,people,places,etc)
3.Be thankful for the things you have.make a list of what you already have instead of only focusing on what you don't have.
Yes!I can feel you there ,you're getting better ,smarter and happier..
4.Make it a habit to read something positive daily.
4.Keep SMILING !
5.Just BE!

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