Friday, October 28, 2011

Is it Can or Will?!

Hi,nice title,isn't it?.So what is it all about? 

I'll tell you what it is all about.

 it is about you!!!

How come?

Well,i was hoping that you would give me the answer.

You see my friend,we live in a world of opportunities as well as challenges and these two corners of existence are always present with every problem we face.

The bottom line is this, Do we accept the presence of problems and utilize them as opportunities or not?

We often confuse Ability with Choice and success my dear friend is not a matter of ability(can) but a matter of Choice which means Will you do it or not?

Our Belief won't create our success ,WE do! and it is our belief that paves the way to our success and how far we can go in life.

Believing that you Can do it is very important but it is only the 1st step. What you do next is what will determine your success.

To be able to succeed we need to keep challenging ourselves to reach higher levels of achievement.

Ask yourself this question, What am i willing to do to create the future of my dreams?

If your answer is anything else but :I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO BRING TO MY DREAMS to REALITY and your not willing to die to make it happen,then you need to check your motivation,maybe you don't believe its worth it then you need to find a stronger reason to do it.

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