Saturday, November 19, 2011

Formal Vs Real Education!!!

''You can go to college and get a degree, or get engaged and get an education''

Most of us went to school and received our so called ''formal education'' then graduated and went to collage .what's next?

We were taught that education has a period of time then it ends or it is related to a certain field of work but i've found that most successful & Rich People didn't succeed merely through their ''formal education'' .In fact many successful entrepreneuers :Steve Jobs,Bill Gates,Mark Zuckerberg were collage dropouts but they managed to get something most people never have:WEALTH

I'm not talking about materialistic wealth and i do agree that money isn't everything but i'm talking about mental,emotional,& spiritual wealth that ''formal education'' ignores and purely focuses on Facts.

Self Education is the REAL EDUCATION that makes us successful not merely going to school and expecting to be rich and famous.

ATTITUDE is ALTTITUDE in life and attitude is more important than aptitude ''formal education''.

EXPERINCE is what we need to reach our destination and what we want to achieve.

DREAMING is the most powerful force that shapes the world and if you look around you will find that every thing the human kind made from spacecrafts to spoons started with an idea in someone else's head and that idea has become reality through burning desire and hard work.

Now,what happens?

That you are enlightened about the power of attitude,experience,passion & Hardwork it is up to you to decide to have the life that you want or just keep living the same way as before and the future is the same as the present and nothing changes and remember


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