Success is perhaps the most common word used today with success stories spreading all over the globe of those who made it BIG! but the question i believe you need to be asking is :How can i become successful?
Well,it depends on what ''Success'' means to you?
If you noticed that most successful people in any field of endeavor have created their own success based on their personal convictions and what they believed is true for them based on their passions and desires and one thing they share in common is that they had Absolute Conviction and Belief in themselves and what they were doing and Preserved till they have become Who they Are!!!
That is great but,What is in it for ME?
Success is all about YOU and What you Stand for,Your Purpose,Your Dreams and with that you need to understand a few things which if you take into heart you will unleash your fullest potential and Create Your OWN SUCCESS STORY! and these Principals are Universal:
1)Visualize Clearly What You Want!
Visualizing your ideal future and How you want it to look and be like is the foundation of all Successes.So Who Will You be and What Will you have achieved and What will you Possess 1,2& 5 years from now?Think Long term!.
2) How Much Do You Know about Yourself?
''Knowing Oneself is the Journey,Finding Oneself is the Destination''Vijay Eswaran
What are you good at?What makes you feel alive?.Knowing your self,your passions,your strengths,your weaknesses is important because the better you know yourself the greater your chance is in the real world.
3)Passion is ALL you Need!s
''One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested'' — E. M. Forster
Passion is How you move, logic only gets in the way.
4)LUCK = Hard Work
''I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it''. ~Thomas JeffersonHow much are you willing to work hard doing what you love =How much successful you become .Discipline and Determination make the impossible dream a living evidence so be disciplined and you shall soar above the majority of world's population.
5)You Don't have to Be Perfect to Start!
''A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault ''
Being Prepared doesn't mean being perfect.All you have to do is to get started and the rest follows!
6)There is No Substitute for Experience!
''The only real failure in life is the failure to try''
Failure is part of Success! and no amount of reading and learning will ever substitute for experience in building your success.So,How much do you need to know to get started?little & How much you need to keep going? Experience!
8)Think Next!
''Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal''Will there be challenges along the way?Definitely!and that's why you need to your Focus on where you want to go.
9) Success is a Team NOT Individual Achievement.
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Henry Ford
All of the World's Millionaires and BILLIONAIRES weren't the smartest in their fields of work but they surely Surrounded themselves with the smartest in those fields!so Whom do you need partner and join forces with make your dream come true?
Now,that i shared with you what i believe are the principles of success i want you to share with me what your principles of success are...
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